Belgian chemical upgrade

Ineos-Phenol GmbH & Co. KG has awarded AK Engineering Services, part of the Aker Kvaerner group, an alliance contract to assist in upgrading its Phenol-Acetone plant in Doel, Belgium. These feedstocks are used in derivative products used for the manufacture of consumer products such as aspirin, car bumpers, household appliances, compact discs and acrylic glass. Ineos Phenol’s Antwerp production facility was originally established for an annual production of 200,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of phenol in 1993, but in 1997 the plant was expanded to 420,000 tpa with a second line. The recent debottlenecking established with assistance from Aker Kvaerner has increased that capacity to 450,000 tpa. Using its own proprietary technology, Ineos Phenol will further increase the plant capacity to 640,000 tpa, with start-up set for October 2006. Pre-engineering has already commenced, supported by this alliance agreement with Aker Kvaerner.

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