Beswick Engineering has released a series of miniature ball valves in standard shut-off (MBV-1010), 3-way diverting (MBVT-1010) and 3-way mixing diverting (MBVMD-1010) configurations. The designs offer non-restricted flow and are suitable for applications up to 250psig. The standard shut-off valve weighs 9gms in stainless steel and the 3-way diverting and 3-way mixing diverting valves weigh 12gms in stainless steel. The mixing diverting valve allows either port to be individually selected or both ports to be simultaneously selected with no shut-off. All of these valves utilize 316 SS ball elements and are available with a variety of seals. Inlet and outlet ports are 10-32 UNF standard, with other sizes available on request.