Boosting engine efficiency

Camcon Technology has signed a licence agreement with Powertrain for inclusion of its technology in a joint programme known as “Intelligent Valve Actuation” (IVA). The licence will enable Powertrain, the Birmingham (UK) based engine and transmission manufacturer, to develop a camless pre-production engine prototype, based on Camcon’s digital actuator, and follows an 18 month research and development programme undertaken by Camcon and Powertrain, at Camcon laboratories in Harston, near Cambridge, UK. The introduction of Camcon’s digital actuator technology will allow each valve of the engine to be independently controlled; will support a number of lift positions; will allow for energy recovery to support low power consumption and provide low seating velocities to ensure durability and low noise. Intelligent Valve Actuation (IVA), as the product has been designated, will significantly improve the engine combustion efficiency, enhancing engine performance and fuel economy, while enabling reduced emissions from the engine. In addition to the specific application being developed in conjunction with Powertrain, the technology is appropriate in other areas including gas and liquid flow control, remote location and subsea oil services, automotive engine control and noise pollution reduction in the aviation industry.

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