Brewery automation

Cervecería Centroamericana brewery (Guatemala) recently implemented the Smar System302 Automation System based on Foundation Fieldbus with OPC (OLE for process control) for the monitoring and control of its crude water pumping area. The technology was chosen by the brewery as the best technical solution for the monitoring and control of its crude water pumping area. System302 was installed to monitor, control and generate reports of the process. The continuous and logic controls are executed almost entirely with Foundation Fieldbus devices of different manufacturers. Throughout the process, interoperability and control were verified with System302. This provides more evidence of the Smar Guarantee of Interoperability with Foundation Fieldbus devices, as tested by the Fieldbus Foundation. As the natural water sources are located more than 6 km from the brewery and include several production and monitoring wells, the Foundation Fieldbus solution from Smar produced substantial cost savings in both the installation and loop costs of the control system.

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