Bray Controls’ Bray/McCannalok Series 40 butterfly valves have passed the new BS EN ISO10497:2004 Second Edition fire test with zero leakage, both through-seat and externally. This test was performed by Lloyd’s Register. Three-inch and eight-inch Class 150 Series 41 lug-style butterfly valves with an RPTFE/silicon energised seat and Inconel 718 secondary seat were used in the test. The body material was nickel aluminium bronze and the stem packing was flexible graphite. In normal service, the fire safe seat assembly contacts the disc with both the resilient seat material and metal seat. During and after a fire, when the resilient material has been partially or completely destroyed, the metal seat provides a positive seal by remaining in constant contact with the disc in either direction of line media flow. The S41 is part of Bray’s line of Series 40 butterfly valves designed for high-pressure and high and low-temperature applications. Available in fire-safe and non-fire-safe versions, the line comes in a variety of materials to meet specific application requirements.