Camcon Binary Actuator

Camcon has invented a new technology to arrange permanent magnets and electro-magnets to move an armature. In conventional technology, this is normally achieved by a solenoid. An electric current is supplied to a coil and the resulting magnetic force moves the armature, typically working against a spring which will return the armature when the electric current is switched off. Such devices require relatively large amounts of electric power, can become warm during use, have speed limitations, and have a relatively limited life because the armature suffers a “hard landing” when it reaches the electro-magnet.
The Camcon Binary Actuator uses permanent magnets with an electro-magnet that is only activated for a minute fraction of a second. Springs work to recycle energy and deliver a “soft landing”.
The Camcon pneumatic valve has been tested at 4000Hz, greatly exceeding the fastest known valve on the market today, which is specified to achieve some 200Hz. Whereas a solenoid actuator requires substantial and usually continuous electric power, a Camcon valve requires electric power for only about a thousandth of a second per operation. Between operations, no electric power at all is needed. The Camcon valve will operate comfortably in a battery environment. Other advantages claimed are low heat and long life. Two Camcon pneumatic valves, operating with pressurised air, have been running continuously at 500 changeovers per second since January 2002. They have so far achieved more than 11 billion cycles without failure. Micro-photographs taken every billion cycles show very little wear.

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