Canada: acid plant expansion

UVK Corp. (Mansfield, OH, USA) has won a contract from Dofasco Inc. to expand the treatment capacity of an acid regeneration plant at Hamilton, ON. The project involves adding two 8830-litre/hr plants, which will be the largest and most modern fluidised bed reactors in the North American steel industry. Pickling solution, usually hydrochloric acid, is used to clean oxidation and scale on steel prior to cold rolling. The contract was placed last November. Dofasco says the plants’ original fluid-bed design makes this capacity upgrade cost-effective and virtually free of environmental impact. The redesigned plant is due to start-up midway through 2005. UVK will supply twin fluidised bed reactors, with associated reactors; cyclones; venturi cooling sections; and separator and absorber columns. The new acid-regeneration plant will start up in mid-2005.

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