The new 5000 Series heavy duty knife gate series valves from Valtorc has a cast ductile iron body and yoke for the most rugged service. Through bolting on side flange bolts allows for easy installation and a replaceable natural rubber seat provides a bi-directional bubble tight seal across gate from 0 to 150 PSI. The seat is quick and easy to replace and is flush with the bottom of the port, eliminating pockets in the bottom of the valve that may collect material in media such as slurries, pellets or powders. The rubber seat has a molded-in steel reinforcement and is bolted in place to prevent shifting out of position by gate movement. It is easily converted from handwheel operator to hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder, bevel gear, chainwheel, electric motor, or fail safe spring cylinder operator using existing cast yoke. The enclosed brass stem bushing provides reduced operating torque and protection of the stem bushing from harsh environments and a full packing seal around the gate minimizes packing leakage.