For some time now, European industry has been requesting inclusion as an observer on the regulatory Committee on Standards (CoS). This is the body that takes implementing decisions on European Commission standardisation requests.

The INdustry GRoup on European Standardisation Strategy (INGRESS) platform has been created from the common wish to jointly inform European policy makers about industry’s interests and priorities for using harmonised standards in the framework of Regulation EU 1025/2012. CEIR decided to join INGRESS and team up with the 17 European industry associations that are members of this platform.

“Harmonised standards are one of the main pillars making Europe’s internal market successful. In addition, standards are the best way to solve the weaknesses of harmonised legislation in some areas for taps and valves. It is vital for manufacturing companies that standards, whether linked to European legislation or not, are primarily market-relevant. INGRESS will ensure that market relevance remains the driver and that industry is involved in discussions on the future of European standardisation”, said Klaus Schneider, CEIR President.

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