Circor further enhances the digital experience

Circor International, a manufacturer, and marketer of differentiated technology products and sub-systems, continuously enhances the digital experience of its consumers by updating its CircorSmart app. This app provides a broad range of capabilities, giving users secure, round-the-clock access to critical technical information for over 860,000 products from any web-connected device. Circor’s latest round of updates further expands the functionality and number of products covered by the app, putting even more power at the tip of users’ fingers.
One of the innovative new capabilities included in the updates is a hydrogen ready check. This feature allows users to check whether their RTK valves are ready for hydrogen fuel economy. Expanding on the order and request quotes feature for spare parts, RTK now offers cover gaskets, spindle packing, cones, flange connections, seat rings, and diaphragms for their valves (where applicable) as well as potentiometer, REPOS, transmitter, and feedback module for their REact actuators at the simple click of a button. This makes all necessary details available 24 hours a day for channel partners to check, approve, and confirm the latest prices and discounts to the customers. In line with the expansion of available product information in CircorSmart, Schroedahl channel partners are overwhelmed to be able to obtain the standard replacement valve prices.
With Leslie Regulators and R.G. Laurence, two new product lines have been introduced into CircorSmart. Leslie regulators have established themselves as a leading flow control engineered solution. Customers globally across the power generation, maritime, industrial, and oil and gas industries trust these regulators for challenging applications, including those that demand 99% accuracy and severe service control valves requiring near 0% leakage.

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