Clyde Bergemann supplies China

Beijing Kejian Electric Power (BKEP) has placed an order worth over GBP 82,000 for a further 56 Spheri Valves from UK-based Clyde Bergemann Materials Handling Limited (CBM). This brings the total number of valves ordered from Clyde Bergemann to 142. The latest valves will be retrofitted onto BKEP’s own locally manufactured pneumatic ash handling systems, which will collect fly ash from the ESP’s at Doutle, Kaifeng and Pushan stations and convey it to end silos located at distances of 120, 200 and 300 metres respectively.
BKEP developed its own ash handling technology during the 1990s and produced its own pressure-tight inlet valve. This was based on a competitor’s valve design, which in turn was based on CBM’s Spheri Valve. However, the performance of the BKEP valve was disappointing and led them to consider other options.
Their first experience with original CBM Spheri Valves was two years ago on the 2 x 300MWe Qinhuangdao Project in the Hebei Province. BKEP installed a dry ash handling system to replace an existing hydraulic system to which Spheri Valve inlet valves were specified. To date, these have provided unprecedented performance, with only minimal maintenance in return for exceptionally high availability.
Despite this success, but driven by the need to respond quickly to satisfy tight delivery schedules, BKEP were forced to source locally manufactured valves for a contract they won in 2001 to retrofit a dry ash handling system on Harbin No. 3, a 600MW boiler. The valves, which were effectively poor copies of the CBM Valve, have provided “very disappointing levels of performance and resulted in constant problems dating back to installation.”
This combination of bad experience and the impressive past performance of the Spheri Valve has resulted in this latest order for CBM. Subject to satisfactory commercial terms, BKEP intends to specify “original” CBM Spheri Valves for all future ash handling projects.
The Spheri Valve was originally developed and patented by Clyde in 1974 for use in the company’s own range of pneumatic conveying systems.

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