Cook Compression®, part of Dover Precision Components and Dover, continues to build its Authorised Service Partner program to help customers around the globe minimize downtime of critical equipment. Through this program, Cook Compression is expanding access to its first-rate services and technical expertise in optimizing reciprocating compressor performance.
Cook Compression combines high-performing products, advanced materials capabilities, experienced engineering support and expert aftermarket services to deliver lasting solutions for reciprocating compressors in the oil & gas, petrochemical and processing sectors. Cook Compression Authorised Service Partners have been certified to provide local compressor valve and packing case repair and reconditioning to end-users.
After training by Cook personnel, Authorised Service Partners must pass a rigorous audit of their processes and equipment. They are held to strict quality standards and guarantee their work for warranty periods established by Cook. Further, each valve that leaves the partners’ facilities is quality tested using a specially designed Cook Compression valve air test bench. Service capabilities apply to any brand compressor valve or packing case. Authorised Service Partners also have access to Cook Compression expertise to partner with customers on analysis, upgrades and additional reciprocating compressor components and services.
The Cook Compression Authorised Service Partner program launched at the end of 2017 with three inaugural partners in Europe: Kompresory VeselĂ˝, in the Czech Republic; Rudos Ruzomberok, in the Slovak Republic; and Runtime Engineering AB, in Sweden. The program has since grown to include Krio-Serwis, serving Poland; Fancraft (Pty) Ltd, serving South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique and Botswana; and WoodServ, serving the Middle East and Pakistan.