CORALINK supports with plant modernisation

In June, AUMA Iberia has carried out the preventive and/or corrective maintenance of the electric actuators installed in the ENCE Biofactory in Navia (Asturias). This was the first time that the CORALINK programme was implemented for the advanced analysis of the actuators.

As the ENCE Biofactory in Navia is quite old, so 99 % of the actuators and actuator controls installed are of the previous generation. The factory has about 59 AUMA actuators, of which 45 % are AUMA NORM Generation, 35 % are equipped with AUMA MATIC (with Profibus), and 20 % are equipped with AUMATIC Generation .1 (with Profibus).
Currently, 4 units have been retrofit, so 4 actuators are already upgraded to the modern AUMATIC Generation
The CORALINK ecosystem is very useful, both for customers and for AUMA staff, as it unifies the three pillars of AUMA, as far as plant maintenance is concerned.
The main pillar is the AUMA Cloud, where all the data extracted from the actuators is collected and stored. This information can be updated at each shutdown, or the customers can update it at their convenience. It is the best way to have a true and updated control of the actuator status.
The other two pillars are AUMA CDT and the AUMA App. They are perfectly synchronised with the AUMA Cloud, which makes the user experience simple and useful in terms updating and/or parameterising the actuator data, with the option to save and reflect all this in the AUMA Cloud.

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