Damper gets Indian venture

UK-based engineering company Damper Technology Ltd (DTL) is opening an Indian subsidiary that is expected to start trading in February. The newly incorporated company, Damper Technology India Private Ltd (DTL India), is currently setting up offices in Coimbatore, Southern India. A management team has been established and a team of approximately ten engineers, project managers and sales staff are being recruited from the local area.
Initially, manufacturing will be subcontracted to a company in Bangalore, but the overall objective is for the company to purchase or build its own manufacturing facility there within the next few years. DTL has been a part of the Orbinox Valves International (OVI) Group since 2009, and the decision to go into India was made after a two-year feasibility study highlighted that to serve the Indian domestic market, a local presence is essential.
DTL designs and develops equipment that regulates the flow of air or gas for the energy industry and India’s developing economy has a need for power, which means more and more power stations are being built that require the types of valves and dampers that are essential for the safe operation of power stations, oil rigs, cement works and other heavy-duty industry.
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