Diagnostics centre monitors 1000 valves

Emerson Process Management has announced that the Solberg & Andersen and Emerson diagnostics center in Norway is now remotely monitoring over 1000 control valves on North Sea. The diagnostics center provides a range of monitoring services to meet the requirements of different applications. These services range from basic monitoring of control valve performance indicators and status alarms, to 24/7 valve monitoring and access to the customer’s maintenance management systems for reporting and preparation of work orders. Higher level diagnostic tests can diagnose, analyze, and trend valve diagnostic data while the valves are in service, providing a picture of valve condition. The diagnostic tests, alarms, and alerts can be used to predict potential failures. Future plans for the center include easier connectivity through the implementation of wireless technology and an expanded scope to include other types of field equipment such as pumps and transmitters as well as metering skid diagnostics.
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