Digital electrohydraulics

Atos’ new digital electrohydraulics is the result of many years of R&D activities on DSP microcontrollers, simulation models of valves and systems, development of advanced software, extensive field testing of new components and solutions. A full line of digital electrohydraulics is now available in order to exploit the well known advantages of digital technology. The new Atos line of digital components covers high-performance proportional valves for pressure/flow control, proportional cartridges, servocylinders and axial piston pumps. The relevant electronics includes a wide range of digital drivers plus new digital axis motion controllers. Standard digital directional valves, additionally interfaced with pressure transducers, perform multiple regulations (direction/flow with max pressure and power) and simplify the hydraulic circuit, extending their field of application. In addition, the new digital controllers provide the closed-loop control of position, speed and/or force of any electrohydraulic axis.

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