Disposable valves

A new disposable micro valve aims to remove the burden of maintenance, cleaning and repair in high-performance electronics and general manufacturing dispense applications. Techcon has developed a patented disposable micro valve technology for fluid materials dispensing that dramatically reduces the maintenance requirements of conventional permanent rotary valves, offers higher performance, and is more cost-effective. The TS5000 Disposable Material Path (DMP) high-performance micro valve from Techcon Fluid Systems (a subsidiary of OK International), is revolutionising a range of materials dispensing processes. Manufacturers will no longer need to invest time cleaning, repairing and maintaining their traditional fluid material dispense valves, and can instead use a disposable and practically maintenance-free alternative on their production lines.
As material build-up starts to occur or dispense performance begins to degrade, manufacturers can now simply replace the old feed screw with a new one, making cleaning and maintenance dramatically quicker and easier. Downtime associated with having damaged valves repaired is also eliminated, along with the need for valve refurbishment, and the useable lifetime of the valve itself is also extended due to less material build-up, wear on its component parts and stressing of the DC motor.

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