Dorot Control Valves released a new series of Air Release Valves, DAV-MP, that are complementary to the existing line of Air Release Valves. The new series includes three air release valves – DAV-MP-A – Automatic DAV-MP-K – Kinetic, and DAV-MP-KA – Automatic Kinetic Combination – all meeting a working pressure of PN25.
The valves, developed by Dorot’s R&D department, are made of Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) with a steel casing allowing the product to withstand high pressures and prevent damage or vandalism. These valves are placed in various locations along the pipe based on various hydraulic considerations. They allow the release of large quantities of air during the initial filling of the system, intake large quantities of air during the drainage of the pipe preventing the pipe implosion and introduction of external contaminants. The Automatic and Combination versions allow release of air from a water-filled pipe under pressure.
High reliability and superior sealing give Dorot valve’s great advantages over currently existing valves in the market. The new valves have very low maintenance requirements and, if needed, very simple maintenance procedures. They seal drip-tight in any condition, including in systems with a low pressure. An embedded aerodynamic float allows airflow at very high velocities in the valve.