Separately, in Venezuela, Saipem has signed a T&I contract with PDVSA Petroleo S.A. for the Dragon – CIGMA Gas Export Pipeline which is part of the “Delta Caribe Oriental” Project. The contract comprises the transportation and installation of a 36in gas export sealine, 110km long, which will connect the Dragon Gas Platform, located about 50km offshore North-east of the Venezuelan coast, to the CIGMA Complex close to Guiria and in the Gulf of Paria, State of Sucre. Offshore activities will be mainly carried out by the Castoro 7 pipelay vessel and are currently scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2013.
Separately, in Venezuela, Saipem has signed a T&I contract with PDVSA Petroleo S.A. for the Dragon – CIGMA Gas Export Pipeline which is part of the “Delta Caribe Oriental” Project. The contract comprises the transportation and installation of a 36in gas export sealine, 110km long, which will connect the Dragon Gas Platform, located about 50km offshore North-east of the Venezuelan coast, to the CIGMA Complex close to Guiria and in the Gulf of Paria, State of Sucre. Offshore activities will be mainly carried out by the Castoro 7 pipelay vessel and are currently scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2013.