Mrs Joanne McIntyre
Editor in Chief
Valve World
Mrs Joanne McIntyre
Editor in Chief
Valve World
Valve World magazine has been serving an ever-growing community of flow control professionals for over thirty years and I am proud to oversee this industry-favourite journal. The magazine reaches a wide international audience, many of whom come together during our live events to meet and network face-to-face. On a day-to-day basis, our extensive online activities such as newsletters, daily updates, and a huge online technical article archive keep the members informed and in touch.
The highlight of my job as Editor is working with people who are passionate about their work and sharing their knowledge with the world. Sharing ideas and experience is an important part of our job and for our readers and clients, it’s just as vital. Having moved from New Zealand to the Netherlands in 1994, I understand how important it is to make and maintain contacts. With family and friends on both sides of the planet, you could say that networking is in my DNA!
Being part of a global community makes the world a smaller and kinder place for all of us. I invite you to join the Valve World community where you will find not only your industry peers and new friends but even a sense of family.
If you’re not familiar with Valve World magazine, I’d like to tell you something about this title. For many years it has been considered the leading international journal for the valve, actuation and flow control industry, and is published ten times per year. The editorial content strongly focuses on end-user experiences and practical applications. In addition to technical articles, every issue features projects in a variety of industries such as oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical, power generation, water handling, etc. We also include industry and community updates so you can see what your peers – and competitors! – are up to.
Valve World the ideal place to read about the industry and your global community; if you’d like to be included in some way, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
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