Emerson steam conditioning valve for turbines

Emerson Process Management has introduced the Fisherâ„¢ TBX steam conditioning valve, which combines precise pressure and temperature control in a single turbine bypass valve. The Fisher TBX is designed to optimise operating performance and reliability in the most severe steam TBX steam conditioning valveapplications, avoid potential damage to steam turbines or boilers, prevent start-up delays, and increase plant efficiency.

The rugged cage-guide design of the Fisher TBX enables it to handle full main steam pressure drops, while Whisper Trim™ technology eliminates the risk of excessive noise and vibration, which could cause structural damage and performance degradation. The valve’s proven and Whisper Trim III cages and WhisperFlo trims help to attenuate noise by up to 40 dBA.

Atomisation and vaporisation are key elements in any steam conditioning application. For efficient and effective temperature control, the Fisher TBX incorporates a manifold of variable geometry type AF nozzles which inject a fine mist into the downstream flow pattern. These nozzles are placed strategically, based upon extensive CFD analysis. By reducing both temperature and steam pressure, the valve protects the reheater tubes, condenser and piping.

The typical Fisher TBX valve assembly includes a Fisher FIELDVUEâ„¢ DVC6200 digital valve controller.

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