Emerson’s 40 CFR Part 63 gas chromatograph

Under the impending 40 CFR Part 63 regulations, all U.S. refineries will be required to report the heating value of their flares that are used as control devices for emissions. Emerson has announced efficient and cost-effective solutions for compliance using the Rosemount 1500XA gas chromatograph.

The new regulations will require that operators determine the concentration of individual components in the flare vent gas within 15 minutes or direct monitoring of the net heating value of the flare vent gas at standard conditions.

Emerson is offering two standard 8-minute solutions using the Rosemount 1500XA with multiple thermal conductivity detectors (TCDs) to meet the requirements of 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart CC (Refinery MACT 1) and 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart UUU (Refinery MACT 2). Solution 1 looks at hydrocarbons, H2S, H2, CO and CO2. Solution 2 is identical to Solution 1 with the addition of benzene detection. Custom solutions that measure, calculate, and record operators’ specific flare compositions are available.

40 CFR Part 63 requires a gas chromatograph to meet performance specification 9 of 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix B accuracy requirements, and perform single mid-level daily calibration checks and quarterly multi-point calibration.

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