EnerMech wins GBP 40M contract

Mechanical services group EnerMech has strengthened its market position in the Caspian region by securing contracts with major operators valued at more than GBP 40M.

The contracts involve a number of EnerMech service lines including cranes and lifting, process, pipelines & umbilicals, valves, training and industrial services.

Aberdeen-headquartered EnerMech has been awarded a three-year contract with BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Ltd to manage all of the Operator’s crane operation, maintenance and inspection requirements in Azerbaijan.
The contract covers assets spread over seven platforms, includes 12 offshore pedestal cranes. The ATA consortium in Azerbaijan have commissioned EnerMech to provide a full range of hydrotesting, flange management, camera inspection and enhanced water blasting services on two platforms which are part of the giant Shah Deniz 2 gas condensate field. A separate project will see EnerMech for the first time provide ultra-high pressure tubing installation, pressure testing and flushing of tubing, with experienced supervisors from the UK and Asia training assisting local pipe fitters on the project.

Also at the ATA site, EnerMech have been awarded their first direct contract with BP for the provision of nitrogen/helium leak detection and pre-engineering is ongoing in London.

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