FCx Pegler & Louden to supply Asian pharmaceutical

FCx Pegler & Louden Ireland has secured the contract – through Jacobs Engineering’s Cork based design office – to supply carbon and stainless steel actuated packages for a pharmaceutical plant Jacobs will design and build in the Asia Pacific region. The order will include a range of Invensys Worcester controls and Argus carbon steel class 300# actuated ball valves for heat transfer applications. The valves in the package will range from 50mm to 350mm and will be fitted with Norbro/Rotork pneumatic actuators and Westlock Controls Quantum Monitors solenoids and position switches, all piped to the actuators with stainless steel Ham-Let double feril fittings. The contract will also include the supply of a number of through-port two-way and multi-port three-way valves for process control. These valves will be stainless and PFA-lined ball valves. All valves will be assembled piped, tested and inspected at the workshop and service centre in Dublin.

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