Foster Wheeler receives award

A Global Engineering and Construction (E&C) Group subsidiary of Foster Wheeler AG has been awarded the 2010 National Prize of Industrial Engineering by the Spanish National Society of Professional Industrial Engineers. Foster Wheeler received the award in the “Engineering Project” category for its contribution to the Refinery Expansion Project for Repsol Petróleo S.A. in Cartagena, Spain.
Foster Wheeler is the engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCm) contractor for the vacuum distillation unit and a delayed coking complex. The coking complex uses Foster Wheeler’s SYDECSM delayed coking technology. Foster Wheeler’s scope of work is expected to be completed during the fourth-quarter of 2011. The SYDECSM process is a flexible thermal conversion process used to upgrade heavy residue feed and process it into high value transport fuels and coke products for fuel and metallurgical markets. The SYDECSM process can be designed to maximize clean liquid yields while minimizing fuel coke yields, or to achieve other objectives, for example, to minimize heavy gas oil yields or to produce specific grades of coke for industrial use.

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