Fugro awarded AKLNG’s G&G programme

Fugro has been awarded a large geotechnical and geophysical (G&G) site investigation programme by ExxonMobil Alaska LNG (AKLNG) – a consortium of ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, BP, TransCanada and the State of Alaska. The 2015 G&G programme follows successful completion of a similar but smaller programme carried out by Fugro in 2014.

The geotechnical scope of work includes drilling and sampling of borings for the onshore liquefaction facilities, marine terminal and offshore pipelines. It also includes installation of monitoring wells, seismograph and in situ measurement of soil properties. The geological and earthquake engineering scope will include assessment of geohazards, source characterisation, probabilistic seismic hazard and site response analyses. Bathymetric, side scan sonar, reflection and refraction surveys and sub-bottom profiling will also be conducted to assist in developing an integrated site model. These studies will assist AKLNG and its contractors to proceed with the FEED level design of the LNG terminal and associated offshore pipelines.

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