Functional safety – SIL workshop hosted by AUMA

Functional safety, a key current topic in the process automation industry, will be addressed on 29 April 2015 at a workshop hosted by AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG at the company’s Muellheim headquarters in Germany.

As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of electric actuators, AUMA understands the comprehensive nature of functional safety, which extends from the DCS to the field level. Electric actuators play a key role in the field supporting automation processes and AUMA has made major investment into R&D for functional safety issues.

AUMA devices have been subjected to safety-related assessments to determine the required safety figures, and specialised SIL devices have also been developed. Additionally, the company’s expert technical team is supported by personnel recruited to support the topic.

The workshop is designed to assist anyone working in valve automation that is impacted by functional safety. Subject matter will be tailored to update all audience members from service technicians and sales personnel through to project managers.

The workshop’s main focus will be on the role of actuator / valve units in safety systems. In-depth knowledge of functional safety is not required. The workshop will be held in English.

For further information, please contact

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