Garlock Seal Care™ Programme

Garlock Sealing Technologies has introduced a new service designed to help petrochemical and industrial process plants meet increasing demands to prevent fugitive emissions. The Garlock Seal Care™ Programme offers a complete predictive maintenance service to ensure seal integrity and reduce unplanned outage. Providing lifetime monitoring of seals, management of historic data and bespoke training, the Garlock Seal Care™ Programme’s dedicated team offers three proven core services – Leak detection and repair, Flange integrity and training service and Computerised asset management. The Leak detection and repair service uses surveying equipment capable of reading 0 to 100,000ppm to measure leakage from flanges and valve glands. High emission valves are repaired in-situ with Garlock’s high integrity EVSP 9000 sealing system. Recording the locations of valves, their repair history and planned maintenance schedules is the role of the Asset management service. Using web server and RFID technology, the service provides critical data essential for predictive maintenance and documentation control. Complementing the programme, Garlock helps its customers to keep control in-house by providing its Flange integrity and seal training service. The service provides training to enable maintenance engineers to become certified to inspect flange integrity.
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