Gazprom, Bolivia sign cooperation in energy sector

A working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Evo Morales, President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, recently took place at the Company’s office in Moscow.

The parties expressed appreciation for the ongoing implementation of joint projects for hydrocarbon development in Bolivian territory and discussed the opportunities for increasing the output of the Incahuasi field. Special emphasis was placed on the joint plans for geological exploration in the promising Vitiacua oil and gas block.

At the end of the meeting, a number of documents aimed at expanding cooperation between Gazprom and Bolivia in the oil and gas sector were signed in the presence of Alexey Miller and Evo Morales. Among them was an Agreement of Strategic Cooperation, which envisages joint efforts in a wide range of areas: geological exploration, gas production and hydrocarbon transportation across Bolivia, development of the national gas and oil transportation infrastructure and NGV market, exchange of experience and personnel training, and sci-tech collaboration. The parties also signed a Term Sheet regarding the contract for exploration and production in the Vitiacua oil and gas block. The signing will allow the companies to start drafting the main design documentation.

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