GEMÜ founder has passed away at the age of 82

GEMÜ has announced that its company founder has passed away peacefully in his sleep on 1st December 2021 after a long illness. The GEMÜ GROUP mourns the loss of Fritz Müller.
After training to become a precision mechanic and successfully completing his studies at the Feintechnikerschule in Schwenningen – an institute for precision technology – in 1961, Fritz Müller’s first step in his career took him to the testing department of Herion Werke KG in Stuttgart. Just a few years later, the visionary inventor Fritz Müller founded GEMÜ.

In its infancy, the company’s development focussed on questioning the status quo. At a time when valves were exclusively made of metal, he led the way with his idea to manufacture valves made of plastic – a true paradigm shift in the world of valve production. Fritz Müller’s success was proof he was right. The company’s first premises opened in Ingelfingen-Criesbach in 1965 and this site was expanded in a number of further steps as GEMÜ continued to grow over the following years, both nationally and internationally. Nowadays, the GEMÜ Group employs more than 2100 workers around the world, around 1200 of whom are based in Germany at the Criesbach, Waldzimmern, and Hohenlohe industrial park sites

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