German valves customised to your needs

The CD “Industrial Valves” provides you with all necessary information about the German valve industry, a product database and detailed company profiles.You will find about 120 member companies organised in VDMA-German Valve Manufacturers Association which represents virtually all major industrial valve manufacturers in Germany. Within the extensive product database you can search according to function, type and materials, by application or free text mode. Moreover, a search according to nominal diameter and pressure stage ensures you exactly find what you are looking for. With German valves and actuators you always make a good choice. The CD “Industrial Valves” (English, German, Chinese, Russian) or the printed buyers’ guide (English, German) are provided free-of-charge by VDMA-German Valve Manufacturers Association, Mr. Olaf Stecken, Lyoner Str. 18, 60528 Frankfurt, Germany, Phone: +49-69-6603-1239 Telefax: +49-69-6603-2239, Email:
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