GF Piping Systems introduces HYPRO

HYPRO™ is the first innovative PP-R product line for the conduction and containment of industrial effluents designed and developed in partnership between GF Piping Systems’ teams in Switzerland, Brazil, and the USA to meet the Brazilian market requirements. The local production at GF FGS in Brazil also ensures CO2 emissions are kept low versus importation. The HYPRO™ system is resistant to pressure, corrosion, abrasion, and high temperatures and can be applied in various conditions for the transport of industrial effluents, chemicals used in water (WTP’s), and sewage treatment plants (STP’s), both municipal and industrial processes and chemicals used in industrial processes.

Developed according to the strictest quality standards in the market and compliant with the international standard ISO 15494, HYPRO™ offers a complete portfolio including PP-R polypropylene pipes from 20 to 500mm, available in 6-meter lengths, fittings, and valves with a service life of more than 25 years. The pipes and fittings can be socket welded, or butt welded, offering safety to the installations.

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