Groth Corp. valves ATEX Directive compliant

Groth Corp. has announced that the 1700A Series pressure/Vacuum relief valves and the new 1800A Series full lift type valves are fully compliant with the requirements of the ATEX Directive. Any company designing, manufacturing, or selling non-electrical equipment intended for use in environments which are potentially explosive due to flammable vapor hazards and protective systems must comply with the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC. Compliance with the ATEX Directive is a legal requirement in all European Union Member States. Groth Corp.’s 1700A Series relief valves are designed with inlet and outlet flanges of the same size to reduce installation costs by requiring smaller downstream piping. The 1700A series has the same operational and protection characteristics as all Groth relief valves. The 1800A full lift type valve is a relief valve which attains full stable lift at only 10% overpressure. This new valve is a modulating valve offering near zero blowdown and reseats at near set pressure. Operating within 10% of the tank MAWP greatly reduces the breathing losses of the product in the tank.
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