Halliburton receives service contract

Wintershall Norge AS has awarded a four-year service contract to support its exploration and development projects in Norway to Halliburton Norge AS.

The contract will be used for drilling-associated services on Wintershall’s Maria development in the Norwegian Sea. The agreement, which contains incentives for efficient well deliveries, can also be used for other Wintershall activities.

Wintershall and Halliburton will begin collaborating on detailed engineering work prior to the start of drilling for the Maria development in the first half of 2017. Early next year, Halliburton will provide services supporting the drilling of six development wells on Maria’s subsea templates located at a depth of around 300 meters on the Halten Terrace in the Norwegian Sea.

Through the contract Halliburton will supply drilling services and associated tools, drilling and completion fluids, cementing, and coring. There is also an option for plugging and abandoning services.

The four-year contract contains options to extend for up to four additional years.

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