Dr Yuri Zhuk, technical director of Hardide Coatings, will be presenting a paper at Valve World 2010 on Wednesday 1 December on the development of Hardide-A CVD coating as a replacement to hard chrome plating for the flow control industry. Hard chromium electroplating extends the life of valves that control the flow of abrasive, erosive and corrosive fluids and gases. However, it is an environmentally unfriendly process that is subject to increasing legislative restrictions in Europe and the United States, which are reducing the availability and increasing the cost of hard chrome. Hardide-A has been developed and proven as an attractive replacement for hard chrome plating. It matches the standard thickness and hardness of hard chrome and outperforms the material in several key properties including enhanced protection against corrosion, wear and chemically aggressive media. The replacement process is easy as no dimensional changes or drawing re-design is necessary and it is easily applied to a wide range of metals including various grades of stainless steel, tool and alloy steels, nickel, cobalt and copper-based alloys, titanium and stellite. Dr Zhuk is presenting his paper at 10.30am at the Materials 1 session.