Honeywell improves Experion

Honeywell has released an enhanced verson of Experion process knowledge system (PKS) that now allows plant operates to coordinate process control, safety shutdown and fire and gas mitigation steps. The new Experion helps improve plant operations through embedded simulation capabilities used for operator training and control, display and procedure validation. The system also includes integrated batch functionality, feeding data from critical plant subsystems directly to operators. In addition, through integration with the company’s newest safety manager platform, Experion provides safety and fire and gas information, such as pre-shutdown alerts, directly to operators using a common display. This allows Experion to provide operators with plant-wide SIS point data, diagnostics and system information, as well as alarms and events, operator displays and sequence-of-event information. Another new feature is the Experion Batch Manager. Instead of using a separate server, the system’s embedded batch functionality allows chemical and life sciences customers to execute batches.
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