IKM Ocean Design secures Johan Sverdrup contract

Statoil has awarded the Johan Sverdrup SURF Detail Engineering and Services 2015–20 contract to IKM Ocean Design.

Johan Sverdrup field is a large oil discovery in production licenses PL265, PL501 and PL502 in the Utsira High region of Norwegian Continental Shelf, 140km west of Stavanger. The field development is a phased development. Phase one includes the establishment of the field centre, consisting of four platforms: A process platform, a drilling platform, a riser platform and a living quarter platform. Subsea, phase one consists of umbilicals and water injection pipelines running from the field centre to the injection templates, with the purpose to provide pressure support.

CEO of IKM Ocean Design, Peder Hoås, says: “IKM Ocean Design has had a long-term objective to continue our involvement in the Johan Sverdrup Field Development. We are, therefore, very proud that Statoil has chosen IKM Ocean Design for this prestigious contract.” The contract has a duration of two years for the completion of detailed design, follow-on and supervision for all pipelines and cables in the field. Furthermore, an option of three years includes future phases of the field. The engineering work starts immediately.

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