IMI Critical Engineering expands the marine division

IMI Critical Engineering is expanding its capabilities in Australia with the opening of a specialised marine division in Adelaide. The move supports the company’s strategic objective of localisation – of increasing local capabilities in key countries. It also reflects a wider shift by several countries to onshore more capabilities, to reduce the supply chain risks revealed by the pandemic.IMI Critical Engineering has taken office space in Adelaide’s Lot Fourteen, a new government-sponsored business innovation district for the space, defence, hi-tech and creative industries. Lot Fourteen is already home to the Australian government’s space agencies, as well as numerous private sector operators.

The opportunity to collaborate and build relationships within the industry was one of the site’s big attractions, according to IMI Critical Engineering Marine Market Manager, Spencer Jenner: “Getting connected to all the right people in what is very much a hub and a community has significant benefits. It’s key to building strong relationships with stakeholders, and opportunities have been borne out of that.”

Australia has long been an important market for IMI Critical Engineering, which provides high-precision flow-control systems for the oil and gas, power generation, defence, and space industries, including submarines. It has a significant base of installed valves in Australia, including the specialist marine valves that are in use in Australian Anzac class frigates, Hobart class destroyers, and Collins class submarines.

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