Jan Oredsson joins Pipeotech

Pipeotech has sealed the deal on an exciting new addition to its team by bringing in internationally recognized pipeline integrity and corrosion expert Jan Oredsson. 
Oredsson has extensive experience in leading positions in the pipeline engineering sector, including working on large offshore projects for BP. His detailed knowledge of pipeline and process integrity is the perfect fit for Pipeotech as it drives forward delivering permanent leak-proof seals to the industry, improving safety and cutting costs.
The Swedish national joins the Pipeotech team as a Corrosion and Integrity Management Specialist and will work very closely with Chief Technical Officer Jarle Ribler and Design and Product Engineer Christoffer Naess.
His main role at Pipeotech will be to back up the impressive claim that the DeltaV-Seal is now the tightest, safest, and most durable flange gasket in the world and that details of the company’s 10-year warranty are accurate for each material and design offered.
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