JGC Indonesia wins EPC contract for gas plant

JGC Corporation’s group company, JGC Indonesia, jointly with PT. Encona Inti Industri, has been awarded the EPC contract for the construction of a gas processing plant in Aceh Province, Sumatra planned by PT Medco E&P Malaka.

The lump-sum turnkey contract has a value of approximately JPY 27B and calls 4for project completion in the 1Q, 2018.

The project contract calls for the construction of a plant to process 90 mmscfd natural gas for the production of sales gas, condensate, and solid sulfur from natural gas produced by Block A developed by MEDCO and its partners in Aceh, Indonesia, which is rich in natural resources such as oil and gas. Planning is for the produced sales gas to be used principally by a gas-fired power plant of Indonesia’s state-owned electric power company in Aceh and by a state-owned fertilizer company.

This is the largest-scale project in the history of JGC Indonesia, and JGC understands that the contract has been awarded to JGC Indonesia on the basis of its experience in Indonesia and the high evaluation accorded to its project execution capabilities, in addition to its cost-competitive proposal.

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