Jinbin valve’s gate valves for chemical pipelines

Dropping and leakage often occurs in the production process of the petrochemical industry, especially the leakage of dangerous chemicals, and if untimely leaks are not brought under control fast, then accident escalation is unavoidable.

In recent years, the leakage and explosion accidents of petrochemical pipelines at home and abroad have caused serious casualties. Jinbin has found that the pipeline automation control equipment in the dangerous chemicals pipeline is the main cause of the escalation of the disaster.

The design concept of Jinbin is to let the emergency equipment no longer rely on the traditional mode of manual and electric, but only rely on the weak electric signal to start the equipment, release the gravitational potential energy, and quickly realize the emergency avoidance of the pipeline.

The A series gate valve adopts gate structure, and the opening control is similar to the traditional gate. It is the first choice for the control of storage tanks, and the preferred product for hazardous chemicals pipeline safety.

The B series gate valve adopts a hemispherical seal structure and the trajectory is angular travel. It is the preferred product for hazardous chemicals pipeline network and city gas pipeline network control.

The C series gate valve adopts disc plate seal structure, and the movement path is an angular stroke. It is the preferred product for fire control network and urban water supply network control.

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