Kinetrol pneumatic rotary valve actuators

A vane actuator produces rotary motion through the application of air pressure to a “vane’ attached directly to an output shaft.

There are several manufacturers of pneumatic, rotary vane valve actuators on the market. Outwardly they appear similar. Internally, there’s a world of difference in their design and their performance.

In high quality Kinetrol vane actuators, the vane and shaft are machined from a single piece of steel. Casting and machining adds cost, but also adds performance. Lower quality actuators save cost by using a 2-piece vane/shaft combination. These are more likely to be affected by backlash or lost motion. In other words, a one-piece shaft and vane assembly transfers 100 percent of the vane movement directly to the shaft. Two-piece designs may lose movement over time, reducing control and accuracy.

Higher quality pneumatic vane actuators incorporate a pair of “lip seals” around the vane. The durable and resilient polyurethane seals provide two key benefits; eliminating the need for o-rings; and eliminating shaft seals.

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