Krones begins deliveries for Paulaner’s order

Krones began deliveries of two brewing lines and the entire process engineering for yeast, the cold section and the cleaning technology, plus the process control system. Transported as a special consignment with a convoy of four low-loaders, these components kicked off a delivery marathon, extending up to the end of January 2015, for Paulaner’s new brewery, which is currently taking shape on a 15-hectare site in the west of Munich.

Krones is supplying the entire kit for two brewing lines, the yeast cellar and integration of the fermentation and storage cellar, the filtration system, and the bright-beer tank cellar. The two Pegasus C lauter tuns each hold 210,000l, and will in future constitute the heart of the brewhouse. One day after the lauter tuns, four ShakesBeer mash kettles were delivered, to be followed in the next 14 days by wort coppers, whirlpools, product holding tanks and sour-wort tanks, some of which have already been packed and are waiting for dispatch on Steinecker’s premises. At the beginning of November, they will be installed in Paulaner’s new brewhouse, which is at present only a shell. A crane will then have to lower the brewing vessels, weighing up to 20 tons, through circular openings in the ceiling, with a clearance of just ten centimetres.

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