KSB Group takes action on trademark infringers

Some Asian manufacturers are using the good reputation of the KSB to market their products. Under protected KSB brand names, they offer pumps and valves as well as spare parts for sale on international trading platforms. In particular, the names of well-known products, such as Etanorm, Omega and BOA, are frequently used. But the umbrella brand ‘KSB’ is also often misused to maliciously deceive the targeted buyers.

Since July 2016, the KSB Group has identified 420 marketers on eight different online platforms who are illegally misusing the manufacturer’s product names. To put a stop to this conduct that is harmful to its business, KSB has now established a task force to combat these illicit activities.

In cooperation with an Italian project partner, it is ensuring that such infringements are reported to the operators of these platforms and the corresponding offers are deleted. If necessary, legal action is also brought against the brand and trademark infringers.

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