Vattenfall Europe is building a new combined cycle plant (CCGT) in the German capital of Berlin. The plant will generate electricity as well as district heat with environmentally friendly cogeneration technology.
KÜHME provides high-performance ESD quick closing valves for the modern gas turbines of this new large CCGT plant. These special quick closing valves are designed to safely and reliably isolate the fuel supply to the gas turbine in case of emergency.
These high-quality valves are type-tested by TÜV and certified accordingly. In addition these special valves are fully meeting the requirements according to DVGW rules.
For the Berlin installation, the KÜHME quick closing valves are DN 12“ sized and delivered as a complete pre-assembled double block and bleed unit. Outstanding closing time of 0,1 second are achieved with these type of high-performance special valves. This entire double block and bleed unit was intensively tested in the KÜHME workshop in Bochum and was delivered to Berlin site ready for installation and straight operation.