Learning Opp. for Pneumatic Process Equipment

A two-day course on pneumatic process equipment was recently co-organised in Rotterdam by Skilledin, Albeda College, HITMA Process and Invensys/Foxboro. (Next course planned for November: see the HITMA website.)

The course started with a theory-based session, before giving students the chance to put their newly acquired knowledge safely into practice on skid-based processes systems, under the watchful gaze of experienced instructors.

Valve World dropped by to interview some of the organisers, instructors and participants about the learning objectives of the course.
Training process operators to use and maintain pneumatic equipment
Skilledin has developed a short course to train process operators to properly understand and maintain pneumatic equipment, explains CEO Bareld Bruining.
Engineering is a great career choice, says former Shell maintenance engineer
After a long career with Shell, including stints in Holland at Saudi Arabia, Ed de Jong is still passionate about engineering. These days he can often be found instructing the next generation of maintenance staff, passing on invaluable real-life experiences.
Albeda College provides training for jobs in heavy industry
The Albeda College in Rotterdam is a recognised centre of learning, training students for jobs in local industries such as chemicals, petrochemicals, bulk materials, etc. The college also provides tailor-made courses for company employees, for example hands-on valve maintenance, actuator commissioning, pneumatic instruments, etc.
Good knowledge of pneumatic instruments essential, says Filip De Brabander
One of the participants at the training course for pneumatic process instruments was Air Products’ Filip De Brabander. With many back-up systems relying heavily on pneumatic instruments, this course was well worth his time, he says.
Why we need training courses for pneumatic instrumentation
As an outside sales product specialist at Hitma, Michel Meijers could forsee an upcoming problem for the pneumatics sector as experienced, older staff started to retire. He is therefore delighted that the two-day course is helping to trainthe next generation of process technicians.
Digital equipment not necessarily more accurate than pneumatics, says Alex Leber
With fifteen years’ field experience as an instrumentation engineer as well as a teaching qualifiication, Alex Leber is often called upon to explain the practice and theory of pneumatic equipment to the next generation of instrumentation engineers. During the Skilledin course, he explained amongst other things how to hook up instruments and properly adjust settings. His top tip to future technicians? Learn how to properly read technical manuals.
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