The Leeds Steam, Instrumentation and Control Intelligent Valve Management IVM facility, opened by Score Group plc in June 2002, is the latest IVM centre to be equipped with VITAL technology. This completes the initial roll-out of this tool to Score’s European Valve Management facilities. VITAL (Valve Intelligence for Training and Learning) is a software suite, launched by Score at the Valve World 2002 conference and exhibition. Developed in-house, VITAL harnesses 3D audio visual technology to ensure that the highest possible standards of health, safety and training are achieved and adhered to. Produced in accordance with the ISO9001:2000, ISO14001, OHSAS 18001 and Investor In People standards, VITAL is accessed via plasma screens located in each workshop, and desktop PC’s through out Score. This enables the latest Health, Safety, Fire, Environment and Quality (HSFEQ) Management policies, procedures and work instructions to be accessed by all staff and all times.