Leeds Valve assists JEC

Leeds Valve has announced that it is assisting the Jersey Electricity Co. (JEC) in a major programme of upgrades at its single oil-fired power station to further enhance the reliability of electricity supply across the island of Jersey. The West Yorkshire-based company is supplying JEC with a series of vast isolation valves to be used in the seawater culvert system which supplies cooling water to the turbine and diesel generators and auxiliary equipment at the power station. Butterfly valves are used for this application due to size and space restrictions. They are installed in 15ft-deep pits, and each is of a non-standard size, with an internal diameter of 1.5M, and weighing in at 2.2tns. The valves, which are thought to be the biggest on the island, are capable of shutting off a full-bore flow rate of 20,000m3/hour. The valves are typically operated once a month to shut off the seawater inlet supply during maintenance. Each valve has been manufactured to meet the exacting requirements of this application. They have double flanged bodies in ASTM A126 Class B material, protected by a fully vulcanised rubber lining, which is machined to give optimum interference for low torque and extended wear life. The valve internals are in high-grade seawater resistant aluminium bronze.
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