Libyan pumping station

Early in June 2007, the C319 pumping station built in Benghazi, Libya, under the leadership of KSB Aktiengesellschaft, Frankenthal, Germany, went on stream. It took just under four and a half years to build at a total order value of EUR 75 million. KSB supplied seven large water transport pumps and numerous valves, the largest with a diameter of 2800mm. A special feature of the station is the 7m long carbon couplings. They transmit the drive power of the 2.3MW motors to the pumps installed in the basement of the pumping station. Although the motors are installed at a considerable distance from the pumps, vibration levels are reduced to a minimum by the couplings. Approximately 320m of steel pipe laid from the tapping point to the entry into the existing discharge pipe were also part of the scope of supply. The order further included a surge control system consisting of eight accumulators, each with a volume of 250cum, a compressor plant, the diesel generators for emergency power supply, a chlorination plant, as well as all tools and devices for the workshops and assembly facilities. Following the final commissioning of the pumping station at the end of this year, KSB will manage operation of the station during its first year of service.
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