Linde plans new syngas complex in SE Texas

Linde North America will invest more than USD 200M to build a large, state-of-the art air separation unit (ASU), a new gasification train and supporting equipment and facilities at La Porte, Texas. The state-of-the art plants are scheduled to come on-stream in the first quarter of 2015.

The ASU will be Linde’s largest operated plant in the U.S. The addition of the new gasification plant will make it the world’s largest gas-based partial oxidation complex for the production of syngas products for petrochemicals. “With the new plants, Linde will have a fully integrated presence that covers air gases and synthesis gas products production and supply to our customers in the Houston area”, said Mr Rainer Schlicher, Head of Global Business Unit, tonnage.

The air gases (oxygen and nitrogen) produced by the new ASU will supply the gasification assets at the La Porte site. The new gasifier will convert natural gas into syngas and constituent products such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide that are used to produce methanol, downstream chemicals and cleaner transportation fuels.

Mr Pat Murphy, President of Linde North America, said, “Linde is the leading syngas supplier in this region. This latest venture, coupled with our unique portfolio of industrial gas and hydrocarbons technology and engineering and operations capabilities, will allow Linde to better serve the petrochemicals industry that is being driven to new heights by the shale gas revolution.”

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